‘When the mind map works, our mind takes rest.’ Most people aren’t aware of the power of these small lines connecting a few boxes together.
We believe Mind mapping is a way of visually organising and linking information, key concepts using images, lines and links. It is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the centre of a blank page. These are representations of ideas such as images, words all associated together. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those major ideas.
We built on the idea of happiness and this is how our mind map looks.
Happiness — An Exploration of Balance we related this to the ideas laid out by awooster174

Isn’t it magical how these few line segments connecting over some words can benefit us and our emotions? Aid our plans and schedule and simply our thoughts.
Today, we are going to be talking about the power of mind mapping. In our experience most students use mind maps only in Social Science so as to learn concepts quickly and to remember it for a longer duration of time. We believe this isn’t the only function it serves. We believe it is a tool to get to know yourself better, be it your emotions, irregular thoughts, your feelings, relationships, plans, achievements etc…...
Mind Mapping is a useful tool to introspect and reflect on our actions, it ensures we do not miss any topic in our mind. Mind maps act as stories and help us corelate our thoughts.
The below image describes how mind maps work

To aid you we have listed down a few Types of Mind Map by Miro
1. Mind Map - A mind map is a visual diagram in the form of a tree or spider, where major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are the sub-branches of larger ones.

2. Concept Map - A concept map is a graph used to visually illustrate the relationships between concepts in a brainstorming session. A concept is a thought framework defined by an explicit “focus question.”

3.Random Words - Random words is a brainstorming technique that encourages your imagination to create different perspectives and new angles on the idea or the problem you are facing. By analysing your environment, you come up with new ideas that can help you solve the problem.

4. Dialogue Map - A flowchart is a step-by-step algorithm, workflow or process visualized with shapes of various kinds and ordered with arrows.

Flow Chart - Dialogue mapping is a facilitation technique by Jett Conklin. The map promotes a shared understanding of a wicked problem, where social and technical complexities are in place.
Let’s make our emotional mind map today with this activity!
To start with your own Mind Map, focus on your own mind and your feelings (can be happiness, sadness, anger etc)
Take out 10 minutes from your schedule.
Find a comfortable seat for yourself.
Get out your paper, pencils, crayons, any other material, sticker, or even open an app on your phone or laptop that will aid you to make this
First you need to focus on the major key word that arises this feeling in you
Write the keyword/phrase in the centre.(Feeling sad/happy)
Next write the action/act that lead you to feel this
Following this you may write the people present when this happened
Now think of the way your body was feeling in the situation
Finally focus on how you embraced the situation and emotion any actionable you took.
While making a mind map you need to focus and take care of a few things like, it should not be long, should only contain main and important words.
Our mind map for reference:

We hope this helped you in understanding you and your thoughts better. We hope this activity brought perspective. Like you did today, give yourself time and be kind towards yourself irrespective of where you are and what you are feeling.
We believe Mind Mapping is a tool which helps in better understanding of our thoughts. When one needs to memorize, express something then mind maps come into play. They are the shortcuts to simplify our thoughts and feelings. Though they are not meant to be so detailed yet they contain all the key points.
Afterall, it is important to take care of ‘You’ holistically. Make your Mind Map today!
We hope this aided you towards taking the 1st step to understand, express, and memorize your thoughts. Stay tuned for more!
Unlock your magic with Heart to Art by Vriti Bajaj!
This blog has been Conceptualised by Anjali Prajapati & Anmol Mehra our youth bloggers ‘Vishaan’ and Vriti Bajaj.
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